09 October 2023

Cardinal Sako born when?

Louis Raphaël I Cardinal Sako, Patriarch of Baghdad (Chaldean), Iraq, revealed in an interview that his parents re-used the birth certificate of his older brother (who had died). His actual birth date is 1 year later than previously thought (thus 4 July 1949). 

The interview can be found here.

Here is the relevant section, in the original language and with a translation (provided by Google Translate):

KNA: Sie haben unlängst Ihren 75. Geburtstag gefeiert.

Sako: Das stimmt nicht. Ich wurde 1949 geboren. Aber ich hatte einen älteren Bruder selben Namens, der gestorben ist. Meine Eltern haben mir seine Geburtsurkunde gegeben. Ich werde also erst nächstes Jahr am 4. Juli 75 Jahre alt.

KNA: You recently celebrated your 75th birthday.

Sako: That's not true. I was born in 1949. But I had an older brother with the same name who died. My parents gave me his birth certificate. So I won't be 75 until July 4th next year.
The correct date is not reflected in any of the usual sources (yet).

06 October 2023

Google Form prompts user to Sign-in to Google - Fixed!

I recently modified a form that I've been using for years for basic feedback on a website I run. All of the sudden the new version had an ugly "Sign-in to Google" prompt at the very start. And to make things 100 times worse, the next line (in red) was "* indicates required question".

Needless to say that was confusing my users considerably!

If this happens, be sure to check all of these settings:

Under Responses:

  • Collect email address: Do not collect
  • Allow response editing: Off
  • Limit to 1 reponse: off

Under Presentation:

  • Disable autosave for all respondents: On

(It was the last one that had me stumped for a while!)

FYI, unsolicited plug: I've been using the extension "Email Notifications for Google Forms" by Digital Inspiration for a few years - just the Standard version - and it works exactly as advertised.