02 September 2023

Corel Paradox - Fresh Install Notes

When you do a fresh install of Corel Paradox (part of WordPerfect Office Professional 2021) it has an interesting, if not useful, feature that is also installed. Namely "PdxRegCl" - which stands for Paradox Registry Key Cleaner.

It does what you expect - clears all of the registry settings related to Paradox. In real life, I can't imagine a need for this outside of developers, and certainly not every single time the computer is restarted.

Simply deleting the utility or renaming it will not fix the issue, it will auto re-install when Paradox is opened.

The fix is to start Task Manager, go to Startup, and disable PdxRegCl. See the image below.

With a new install, you might also be interested in my post about the printing bug and its fix.

(Note: this was a fresh install on Windows 11 Pro (release 22h2))

Corel Paradox Printing Bug Fix

I just recently did a new install of Corel Paradox (no really!) and ran into an old bug that is not well documented on the web. 

After a fresh install, the version shows as (file pdxwin32.exe shows that version and a date of 10 Mar 2010). 

The bug is simple, try to print anything in the application and it immediately crashes. 

The good news is there is a fix, although it can be difficult to find. 

Here is the current location (https://www.wordperfect.com/en/support/updates/#wpo-x5) 

It is called "Paradox Hot Fix 1" (or "Paradox Runtime Hot Fix 1" if using the Runtime version). 

Note that after installing the patch, the version and date of Paradox does not change - so there is no easy way to tell if the patch is installed other than it no longer crashes on print.

FYI, Corel Paradox (developed by Borland) is available as part of WordPerfect Office Professional 2021 but sadly is not included in the Demo version. There have not been any changes to Paradox itself in many years - the hot fix is dated 2010!

However, I am happy to report it installs fine on Windows 11 Pro (release 22h2).