24 January 2021

Deadliest Month for Bishops

Thanks in large part to Covid-19, this month is now the most deadly for bishops in history. The previous record was set just last month.

MonthBishop Deaths
Jan 202127*
Dec 202023
Mar 198822*
Jun 202021
Feb 201321
Jul 201119*
*if you look at the tables on my website, it includes one additional death for this month for a person covered who was never a bishop (for example, an Apostolic Prefect). 

To help put this in perspective, over the last year (2020) the average was 14.9 deaths per month. Over the last decade, it was 12.6 per month. And over the last century it was 8.3 bishop deaths per month.

May they all rest in peace.

Bishop Deaths in 2020.
Bishop Deaths in 2021.

(updated on 31 Jan 2021)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good on you! Valuable website!